Texas Parent Taught Driver Education Course 102
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When the time comes to choose a Driver's Education program for a teen who is about to get their driver's permit, it can be a daunting task. Learning to drive safely, and how to react to various driving situations correctly, is a vital part of keeping teens safe during their first crucial years of learning how to drive. This is a decision you don't want to take lightly. National Driver Training has been in the business of teaching student drivers how to drive safely and responsibly since 1998, and is recognized as a formal Driver Education and Training School by most insurance companies in the nation. Our carefully designed Texas State Approved curriculum covers an extensive number of topics that will prepare a teen driver for a lifetime of safe driving habits.
We believe that parent involvement is essential for students to have the best understanding of safe driving techniques. Using our carefully crafted program, parents and teens work closely together to complete goals that will prepare the new teen driver for many kinds of driving conditions and situations. We feature state of the art technology to bring our curriculum to your home via our online Teen Driver's Education Course 102. Complete the class hours at your convenience from your own home. We were the first in our field to offer this service, and we've been improving it ever since. Our program is compatible with Windows, Mac, IOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android. If you prefer traditional delivery methods, we also offer a Driver's Ed Textbook, video DVD and CD ROM.
Parent Participation
Parent involvement is an essential part of teaching their teen to drive. Parents help guide the new driver from a personal perspective. As a parent, this is your opportunity to share your years of experience behind the wheel. You will be guided step-by-step through each driving session. We offer video supported lesson plans so you are both working on the same thing at the same time. We offer in-depth guides instructing you and your teen to practice in many different environments and scenarios. The more a new driver is able to experience different conditions while on the road, the better prepared they'll be when they encounter it for the first time. Even a small mistake can spell disaster when operating a motor vehicle.
Some of the driving scenarios you and your teen will experience include:
1. Night Time Driving
2. Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions
3. Highway and Rural Driving
4. Interaction with Different Types of Intersections.
5. Various Merging Scenarios
As when learning anything, the old adage 'practice makes perfect' applies. The more time you spend learning how to drive, the better equipped the new driver will be. Learning to drive is an exciting time. Use it to enjoy time with your teen.
Graduated Driver licensing
Graduated Driver Licensing is a method of introducing new drivers to the task of driving gradually, so that beginners my begin driving under low-risk conditions, and gradually increase the difficulty of the driving environments. In Texas, there are two phases to complete prior to receiving your driver's licence.
Phase One:
Texas law mandates that in order to apply for a driver's license, individuals who are under the age of 18 must also agree to comply with the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Program. Those who would like to receive their license prior to the age of 18 must hold their learner's permit or hardship license for six months before moving on to the next phase. In order to move to the next phase, you must hold your permit for six months without receiving any suspensions or restrictions. During this time, an adult, age 21 or over, must always ride with the student in the front seat.
Once a teen has turned 16, has held their license for a minimum of 6 months, has completed behind the wheel and Texas approved driver's education instruction time, and has proof of such, they will be eligible for phase two.
Phase two:
In phase two, the driver who is under 18 years of age may only drive with one passenger in the vehicle who is under the age of 21, this excludes family members. In addition, Phase two students are not permitted to drive between midnight and 5:00 am unless necessary due to school, work, or in the case of an emergency. After six months in phase two, the student may apply to receive a duplicate license, but with the restrictions removed. If the student does not opt for the duplicate license, the restriction will be removed when the applicant renews their license on their next birthday, as long as the phase two six-months time has lapsed.
Phase three:
Phase three comes when the conditions of the first two phases are met. At this point, the student is granted a full-privilege licence.
rules of the road
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In addition to learning the basic rules of the road, our in-depth curriculum includes night driving, the problem with substance abuse and distracted driving, driving in inclement weather, how to handle a variety of intersections, what to do in an emergency, and much more. The teenage years are the deadliest for drivers behind the wheel. In fact, the number ONE killer of adolescents is motor vehicle crashes. We work hard every day to change this statistic. A strong understanding of what it is to be a responsible driver, and how the physics of a vehicle work, greatly helps mitigate this. Inexperience is the reason many of these crashes occur, so having a plan to create experience for a teenage driver is invaluable. We have that plan.
National Driver Training has been partnering with the home schooling community for many years. Together, we have pushed for laws to allow parents to be able to teach their children driver education. We have been advocating with the Home School Legal Defence Association to make it possible for home school drivers ed to be taught in 28 states (and climbing)! Our curriculum has been endorsed by the Home School Legal Defence Association. We are pleased to extend a 10% off all driver training programs to all of those who home school.
Our Program
We take a systematic approach to Driver Education. Our program has seven levels. The first part is classroom time. In t he second part, the student will be putting what they've learned during the classroom time, and applying it in the real world. The experience is in the doing. Students will need to complete both the classroom, and the driving portions of a level in order to move to the next level. We've designed our program to be concise, easy to follow, and have created a concurrent training outline to assist students and their caregivers in completing the program.
After 6 hours of study, Texas students are eligible to take their permit test to get their learners permit. This can be taken on-line, at home. All you need to do is print out the certificate and take it to the DPS.
Part 1: Driver's Ed
Students will have access to reading material, as well as video presentations. These can either be accessed online, or via the student workbook and video DVD. In addition to classroom reading, the student will participate in additional activities to accrue class hours. Additional activities would be things like: oil changes, tire rotation, current events research, etc.
Students are required to complete 32 hours of driver's ed, and must score at least a 90% on the tests tin order to be issued a completion certificate.
Part 2: Behind-the-Wheel
This is the part where the tires hit the pavement. Time to get behind the well. Students will be guided through a systematic series of driving activities designed to increase skill, experience and driving maturity over time. Each level gives clear instructions on how to proceed, and students are given log sheets to mark their progress.
Additionally, we have sections that are titled "Things to Emphasize" and "Things to Watch For." These sections will give parents and students insights into parts that may need more instruction. Or perhaps if the student is likely to be nervous, overconfident, or inattentive - these tips are placed throughout the program to assist you in succeeding!
Parents are given easy to follow performance based evaluations, which will equip them with the know-how to confidentially move through the levels.
Once a student has paid the enrolment fee, they will have full access to our online program via high powered streaming servers. The program contains over 32 hours of Driver's Education, as well as 50 behind-the-wheel training hours. Our program is specifically designed for teen driver's in Texas and we have tailored our program to work seamlessly with the Texas Department of Public Services, as well as the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Once you complete your first 6 hours of instruction, you can opt to take your Official Written Permit test online, and we will issue you the DE-964E form, which you can print out to take to the DPS for your permit. We offer unlimited practice permit tests for you to practice on before the big day. Once you receive your permit, it's time to get behind the wheel!
Remember, you don't need an internet connection to complete our program, you can complete your studies with our book and/or interactive CD ROM, and video DVD.
We stand behind our curriculum and our products, and we offer them for a low price because we believe all drivers should have comprehensive driver training. Our rates are not only competitive to others in the field, but are lower in many cases. We strive to offer the BEST prices in the market, why pay more?
We were the first driver's school to have our online Parent Taught Driver Education Course approved in Texas. Our program has been developed specifically with the teenager in mind, and we take our responsibility to parents and students very seriously. Our Certified driver instructors are available 10 hours during the workweek, and also on Saturdays. Our experienced Tutor Support Team is available for you during these times at no extra charge.
National Driver Training may not be the fastest, or easiest way to complete driver training, this program is thorough, and our ultimate goal is to help create a safe driver for life, one teenager at a time.
Streaming videos
Our list of comprehensive videos serve to enhance the curriculum and heighten student's understanding of the material.
Share Your Life This video stresses the importance of organ and tissue donation, and the impact it can have on someone who is in need of a transplant. |
Basic Driving Tactics NASCAR star David Reutimann discusses the basics of getting behind the wheel and explains the essentials of driving on public streets. Students will learn the fundamentals of how to operate a vehicle safely. |
Defensive Driving Tactics Professional race car drivers share their perspective on how to safely manoeuvre on our modern roadways. This video demonstrates the difference between defensive and aggressive driving, as well as the hazards of driving while fatigued, inattentive, and under the influence of drugs and alcohol. |
Practicing Basic Control This video demonstrates how to safely park, enter traffic, steer, back up, and turn around. Also covered are some typically dangerous road conditions drivers may encounter. |
Road Rage When driving, it is possible to run into many different high risk situations. Not the least of these is other driver's behaviours. What would you do if another driver engages in aggressive activity, like tailgating, rude gestures, and cutting other drivers off? Experts and officers discuss how to handle rage on the road. |
Dying to Get There Teens are more likely to die in car crashes than any other cause. Inexperience is a killer. This video conducts a teen-to-teen dialogue to enforce the notion that inexperienced drivers can be involved in life changing crashes - driving isn't a joyride, it's a serious responsibility. |
DUI: Unlicensed to Kill Drinking and driving NEVER mix. This video highlights habitual offenders and the tragic consequences of their actions. Families who have lost their loved ones recount their experiences. A powerful deterrent message for anyone who considers drinking and driving to be a safe endeavour. |
Cambridge Car Buying Guide When it comes time to purchase a vehicle, it's important to do so knowing how the system works. This informative video contains relevant information regarding buyers and sellers of vehicles. Smart consumers will be armed with relevant information and an understanding of how the process works. |
How Your Car Works Ever wonder how your car works? With so many moving parts, it can be hard to understand. This video guides the student through the inner workings of engines, transmissions, brake systems, and much more. This video will teach the student the basic vocabulary of the workings of a vehicle. |
Basic Car Care If you take care of your car, it will take care of you. Systematic maintenance is needed for any car to run smoothly for any length of time. Checking and adding fluids, changing a flat tire, inspecting problems with belts, hoses and leaks. All things that a driver will need to do during the lifetime of their vehicle. |
Vehicle Safety This video covers three sections: How to prevent crashes from happening, and what to do if one does. How to inspect your vehicle to prevent safety problems. Lastly, how to listen and look for problems the vehicle may encounter. |
Medicine's Modern Miracle Covering issues from difficulty to getting a organ and tissue donor, to how to become a donor, to how are donor's matched? This video gives a in-depth study of the organ and tissue donation process. |
Backstage Pass This video offers a realistic view of what some may consider the 'glam' of alcohol and drug use. New teen drivers are the most vulnerable driving demographic, and more than one-third of teen automobile deaths are related to alcohol. Powerful true stories underline the fact that drinking and driving do not mix. |
Advanced Driving Tactics Students will learn how to manoeuvre on the road where conditions can be unfavourable. This video covers how to react while driving on rough terrain, fog, heat, snow, icy surfaces, rain and other hazards drivers are likely to encounter on the road. |
Young Drivers This video explores the skyrocketing crash statistics that accompany the inexperienced teen driver. This demographic is not as well equipped to deal with hazardous situations for the first time. Students will be taught to be aware while behind the wheel. |
One Second in Time A heartbreaking story about the deadly consequences that can occur when people decide to do stupid things behind the wheel. Teens making the decision to drag race leads to the death of two girls. |
Cage the Rage Road Rage is a real problem in our traffic environment today. This video discusses ways to manage road rage, aggressive driving, and it's risks and countermeasures that are being used to cool driver's heads. |
Driving Safely This video trains a student to safely and effectively drive cars, vans and small trucks. The video covers inspection, seat adjustment, utilizing the mirrors, seatbelts, etc. Preparation and concentration are the keys to driving responsibly. |
Driving in Bad Weather This video teaches students what to do if they find themselves in a high-risk situation, such as sudden flooding, fog, and other unpleasant and unexpected driving situations. Experienced from the point of the driver, this video prepares students for the driving in a risky situation. |
Todd's Story Todd was a vibrant young man who engaged in high risk behaviour. After becoming involved in substance abuse, Todd was killed in a tragic Motorcycle crash when he was 21. |
High Speed Impact High speed impacts are very serious. The automobile and safety industries have been working hard to explore the what's and why's of car crashes, and the ongoing efforts to improve safe design in motor vehicles. |
Understanding Car Crashes This video explores the differences between passengers who are belted vs. unbelted during an automobile crash. Unrestrained passengers that are children or babies can be particularly vulnerable due to the basic laws of physics. |
Staying Alive This video delves into what happens during a crash, as well as the efforts to improve safety equipment to reduce the severely of injuries to passengers. Systems like airbags, anti lock brakes, seatbelts, children's car seats and tires are discussed. |
When Physics Meets Biology In a vehicle crash, even if only one is involved, there are actually three collisions. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety conduct research to find out what happens to a human body in a crash. |
Texting While Driving is Deadly A young girl and her friends are in the car together and the driver is distracted by her cell phone. The scene that follows is all to deadly and far too common, One moment of distraction can change everything. |
10-85 Echo The heartbreaking tale of James Fufaro and Keith Odell. Reggie Shaw was distracted on the morning of September 22nd, 2006 and clipped the car ahead of them, causing them to careen into the opposing lane, killing both men instantly. |
Young Drivers Teenagers are the most at-risk demographic when behind the wheel. This video explores how this inexperience can be catastrophic. The video discusses this problem, as well as a new program which may offer a solution. |
Drinking and Driving Crash Course This video provides a "Crash Course" on the dangerous consequences of Drinking and Driving. Driving Under the Influence is costly and Driving after drinking or consuming drugs is extremely costly; in more ways than one. |
Missing Persons When young men and women decide to drink and drive, the consequences are deadly. Young people currently serving time, family members, friends, and in some cases the victim themselves, discuss how the decision by one person to drink and drive had lasting consequences. |
DUI: The Dangerous Road In America today, someone is involved in an alcohol-related crash every 32 minutes. This video looks at teen drinking and driving, many incidents occur after parties, proms and sporting events. Two DWI stories are unveiled in this video, and a powerful statement against drinking and driving is made. |
Rest or RIP Driving while sleepy is a major problem on the road. It's estimated that up to 23% of adults have fallen asleep at the wheel at some point while they were driving. Many crashes occur every day due to drivers falling asleep while driving. |
Smarter Highways, Smarter Drivers This video explores the changing landscape of our national highway system. New technology has crafted more intuitive signals and warnings, allowing for a better - and safer, driving experience. |
In the Zone: Driving Safely in Work Zones/ Colorado Winter Driving Construction is like laundry, it will never be done. All drivers will travel through a work zone at some point. Drivers need to slow dow, think safely, and watch for the unexpected. The video also discusses driving in adverse weather conditions. |
Room to Live This video highlights the story of two friends who were traveling together when a high impact crash occurred. The driver had been speeding. Only the driver of the vehicle was wearing his seat belt, and he was the only one to survive.The passenger was ejected from the vehicle and did not survive, but if he were wearing his seat belt - he would have had room to live. |
Follow your Dream - A Commitment to Safety Miss America discusses her experience losing a friend to a drunken driving crash. She is a spokesperson for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, |
The Other Breakfast Club This story follows a group of people who have all suffered TBI, or Traumatic Brain Injury due to an automobile crash. They initially met in rehabilitation and continue to meet for breakfast, hence, earning their name. |
Almost Home This video features the true stories of heartbreak and tragedy after the driver of the vehicle fell asleep at the wheel while driving drowsy.
expert tech support
Our certified, experienced and friendly staff is available to assist you for free six days a week.
connect with any device
Our program is available on IOS, Windows, Android, iPhone, ipad, and Mac computers.
Streaming videos
Our vast library of online streaming videos is available for students to help ensure a comprehensive learning experience.
Online Written Test
Take your written test online! It's convenient, stress-free, and you'll spend less time at the DPS.